Friday was a real busy, running-around-with-my-head-cut-off kind of day at work - busy in addition to the expected madness of trying to get things done before taking off for a week - so I didn't leave work until late :(
But now, for the next 8 days it's all about ME, baby!
Yesterday I did not get my KFB workout in, as I didn't get to bed early enough to get up and do it before driving north, and (frankly) it was so hot that I probably wouldn't have done it anyway. UGGGGhh.
You have no idea how fondly I'm looking back to those days of jumping rope in the snow in January and February. I'm a cold-weather baby, and my body is super efficient at creating heat. Which is marvelous for being outside in the winter - and is miserable in the weather we've been suffering under for the past month or so.
Whine. Whine.
Last night it took me almost 2 hours to fall asleep and I lay immobile, damp and sticky, with my arms and legs splayed hoping to fall asleep. But a joy of being on vacation is a flexible schedule, so I slept in and then got up to do my KFB. Which felt great - except for the fact that I'd run out about 3 miles before doing it and by the time I ran back, it was HOT HOT HOT. (I was also facing the sun, which makes a bigger difference than you'd think)
I sense a theme here. I'll try not to whine any more. I know that it's not just us that are suffering:

Heat wave - and I gather they are experiencing heat waves in Europe and elsewhere as well.
Drink lots of liquids everyone!
I'll have intermittent access to the internet for the next week - I mean to be better about blogging, but may end up posting them all at once!
See you on the other side!