My calves are still tight, but not as much and I more easily loosen up once I'm moving about. But semi-sensibly, I've left my KFB jump roping for this evening to do so better warmed up (and to get a little more sleep this morning, I confess). I'm pleased that the timing of the KFB means that the light day falls on Friday, which coordinates well with my schedule where Friday is the day I would find it the most difficult to get up and get a full work out in - as I learned when doing the PCP earlier this year.
Yay for happy circumstances!
And - despite having a mind that goes all over the place, I'm really enjoying the meditation portion of KFB
Jumping: 14 inches (my officemate and I spent some time figuring out what would be the best way to measure this - and decided that the most accurate and consistent method would be to measure the displacement of my head by jumping, as measuring from the ground up would vary by how straight my legs would be and how flexed/extended my feet would be)
Punching: 142 I didn't get around to acquiring a pingpong ball, so used a small sponge - either that or previous experience seems to have given me an advantage.
Stretching: about 2 inches past my toes (can place second knuckle on ground)
Before photo:

Weight: 145.8 lbs
Good idea with measuring those jumps. I'm alone for another week so I've got to recruit a helper!