Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 42 - STILL HOT

Whimper. I'm a cold weather baby and these 90 degree days are killing me. And it's the humidity as much as the heat. Breathing just seems harder!

On the plus side, I am finally finding a rhythm with KFB, roll out of bed, meditate, start some stretching, do some strength-training, aerobic part of the work out, then some balance and more stretching. I've also streamlined my food prep some - with the sacrifice of variety, I can save time by having everything pre-prepared and pre-packaged. Just rolling off of PCP helps, but I think I'm more efficient than I was even then.

Anything to buy myself some more time.

Now there's a question: If I want to run another marathon, should I aim for October or November? October is more comfortable (less likely to be really cold and/or rainy) - but the overlap in training with KFB will be ... difficult.

thinking, thinking.


  1. Hmm, I'd say November if it were myself. That way you'll have a nice goal to work towards as the KFB ends.

  2. Isn't it cool that running a marathon is even in your set of goals for the year?

  3. KFB will finish around August 15th, giving you at least 6 weeks ramp up time for the October start?

  4. I would say November. You like cold weather and there will be time to relax after KFB and begin training for the marathon.
